Herwannan Hauiskääntö is the strongest club for the SportUni (TAU, TAMK) members in Tampere. We specialise in olympic weightlifting and powerlifting but there are also regular gym goers among us. Some of our members are competing in national and even international stages, so we have a lot of knowledge of these sports and overall gym workout and lifestyle. We aim to provide our members with courses, events and competitions associated with these sports, and also provide a very warm and welcoming atmosphere to improve yourself in! You definetly don’t need to be a pro or experienced lifter to be part of our club. Most of our members train at the lower gym located in Tamppi Areena, Hervanta campus. Come and greet us at the equipment box in the gym.
Events we do:
-OSM (weightlifting and powerlifting finnish nationals). You don’t need to be a citizen or have a international weightlifting/powerlifting federation licence to attend btw.
-Ranking competitions. This is a between members weightlifting/powerlifting/gym competition we do between members but generally everyone welcome.
-Akateeminen Herwannnan vahvin (in english: academic herwantas strongest). This is a strongman/strongwoman contest. Aimed at every student in tampere but people who are not students can also attend.
-Courses in weightlifting and powerlifting. You generally need to have a SportUni membership to attend.
-Winter days / Summer days. This is a get together at a cabin.
-Competition trips abroad or in finland. This is mainly done by our powerlifting division. Pretty much every year we send a powerlifting team to SELL Games (its a student athletics event hosted by Baltic states and Finland)
– Other stuff too. If you want better info, become a member and subscribe to our newsletter or telegram info channel. There should be info about incoming events in finnish and english and if is not, send angry message to the board for not doing they job! (lazy!)
By joining our club you get access to our equipment box located in Tamppi Areena’s lower gym, which includes among other things:
– Chalk
– Resistance bands
– Lifting belts (ia. Wahlanders)
– Thermal gel
– Sport tape
– Uesaka weightlifting competition bar
– Ammonia
– HighRoller foamroller for muscle care
– Massage-equipment
– Teeter Hang Ups -Ez Ups shoes
In addition, all the weight- and powerlifting courses are cheaper for the club members. Also, our members get 10%-15% discount on all equipments at Sportheavy-store.
How to become a member of Hauiskääntö
The membership fee is 10€ for students and 20€ for support members (lifetime membership). You can join to Hauiskääntö by filling
this form and following the payment instructions. Couple days after, you will receive a welcoming email.